Sunday, April 15, 2012

Reading Log #4

The next 100 pages of Emma by Jane Austen, Emma’s sense of superiority gets the best of her when her attempt of match-making with her friends Harriet and Mr. Elton backfires.  One night when they are alone, Mr. Elton declares his love and offers a proposal of marriage to a flustered and shocked Emma.  Through this turn of events, Emma is forced to somewhat humble herself and admit against the will of her prideful heart that she was in the wrong.  Emma in many ways, aside from her constant attitude of superiority and unbearable pride, is in a situation much like Austen herself.  Both are not married (at least Emma is not so for now) but both live in a society where marriage is the driving focus and livelihood for nearly every female.  Being married to a man with the right characteristics, family situation, and monetary stability absolutely consumes every woman with the exception of Austen and her character Emma.  The ironically similar and unusual view of society gives the book an edge.  As I hit the halfway point of this novel, I step closer and closer to accomplishing my goal of reading all the Jane Austen novels.       

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