Sunday, April 29, 2012

Reading Log #6

After reading the next 100 pages of Emma by Jane Austen, I’ve discovered that this book is significantly longer than her others.  50 pages still remain between my current spot and the ending.  As I near finishing this one, I look forward to reading a non-fiction book and Mansfield Park to complete my reading goals.  The more I read Jane Austen, the more I find that I enjoy her and that my reading tastes truly differ from most people.  The majority of my friends express to me their disbelief that I’m reading her books for fun.  After reading Sense and Sensibility in AP Literature, many of my friends have forever turned their backs on her classic literature.  On the other hand, I cannot seem to get enough of the high caliber humor.  She intelligently weaves her elevated wit and satire into each of her novels, but if her style is not appreciated, then the humor will go to waste.  I’ve also found that from reading her books my vocabulary on an everyday basis has improved substantially.  By truly immersing myself into her work, I’ve found that I’ve been inspired to elevate my writing and vocabulary to a whole new level.  I enjoy the fact that through Austen’s consistent plots based around marriage and society, she has managed to personally challenge me.  That is simply one of a plethora of reasons why Austen is an author worth reading.    

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