Saturday, January 21, 2012

Blog Analysis

In my opinion, Unfettered and Books and Stuff are the most interesting blogs so far.  Books and Stuff has a background and appearance that is just appealing and sets the mood for a good discussion or book read.  The part that fascinated me was the author’s connection of his or her reading life to current events:
“The idea of achieving anything like this was previously unheard of, but as of December 11th 2011 this technology is officially no longer fiction. The NSF (National Science Foundation) released a video describing a technique called Decoded Neural Feedback using a fMRI…”
The connection of the writer’s science fiction novel and actual factual occurrences is enough to reveal his or her passion for science and thought provoking material.  Sci-Fi has never been an avid passion of mine, but seeing another writer’s interest blossom is enough for me to applaud their excitement.

The blog Unfettered fascinated me at first with the creative title, but, being an avid Jane Austen fan, I found the post about Sense and Sensibility to be the main force behind my appreciation.
Jane Austen is a master of characterization, she makes everyone mentioned have a distinct personality…”
The mutual appreciation the writer and I have for Jane Austen gave me an immediate personal connection to the page and a greater appreciation.  Outside the realm of my personal bias, I found the blog to be attractive and peaceful in appearance.
I think the blog Must Not Be Blank had the best response to the Dead Poet Society clip.  The claim was descriptive enough to explain the clip in its entirety while still emphasizing the main focal points.  The description is full of rich language that helps portray the mood and fully captured the two polarized forces of the students and authority while still making a bold statement by foreshadowed an upcoming conflict between the two.  Overall, I believe this entry was the best analysis of the Dead Poet Society.  

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