Monday, January 9, 2012

When I was younger, I was a dedicated reader.  Following in the footsteps of my older sister, I practically lived at the library and read anything I could get my hands on.  Admiring my sister came as easily as breathing; to this day she remains a fantastic role model.  She was a passionate and dedicated reader, and in turn I became one as well.  Much of my reading took place when I was younger, mainly in the elementary and early middle school years.  I loved mysteries and historical fiction; I found their dramatic introductions and intriguing plots to be right up my alley.  History was and still is fascinating to me; the culture, lifestyle, events, and mystery of it all are captivating.  Unfortunately, during my late junior high and early high school years, I lost touch with my passion for reading.  There was always something that came first on my agenda whether it was sports, church, family, friends, or school work.  My reading for pleasure slowly obtained a lower and lower position on my priority list.  Eventually it disappeared altogether.  As much as I loved to read, I was dealing with a crunched schedule and I already had plenty on my plate to read for school.  However, through my reading for school, I discovered a newly found love for classic literature.  If my love for history was not a reason enough to fall in love with the novels, my enchantment with the Romanticism and Victorianism was sufficient.  Reading classics on my own time is challenging, but worth it.  My positive experiences with reading helped mold me into who I am today.  Without it, I might not have discovered my passion for the past and interest in the cultures.  In a way, reading is a way to keep me in check.  Taking time to stop and read a book takes dedication and wok, but it gives me an opportunity to slow down from life's whirl-wind and really stop and think.  The more I read, the more I discover about myself, and the more I appreciate books and life in general.  I am excited to keep exploring new books, authors, the world, and myself.  Discovery is waiting at my doorstep. 

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