Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Podcast Response: Middle School

The kids in this podcast truly help recapture the difficulty, awkwardness, and discomfort of the uncertain and rapidly changing physical and emotional world of middle school.  Through whiny voices, nervous giggles, and shaky words the kids bring to life this stepping stone between the different realms of childhood and young adulthood.  In the scenes Stutter Step and Anchor Babies the podcast is representing the “experiment of miniature adulthood”.  Reporting the unimportant, uneventful news of the average middle school and participating in the hormone crazed events of middle school dances are both baby steps towards adulthood.  The shallow friendships filled with petty name calling and hourly arch enemy and best friend for life status change is exhausting.  The trivial relationships starting and ending as the hours bloom and pass away represent the extent of the naivety and inexperience as middle school students work their way through the murky waters of growing up my imitating the steps and motions taken by those who came before them.  The insecure, undefined battle of middle school is bound to hurl people off-balanced and uneasily into the realm of adulthood by opening their social and intellectual understanding beyond the bounds of mere trifling childhood.      

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