Monday, February 6, 2012

Submission #1 Comments

Short but sweet, that’s what this note is all about. Found Magazine’s website has all kinds of notes that can make someone’s day. It has notes from prison, stores, or even the streets. Short notes, long notes, love notes, and hate notes. Even notes that have just pictures drawn on them. There are notes from parents, kids, siblings, spouses, or even long lost loved ones. Of course none of these notes actually made it to their rightful owners, or if they did then they ended up giving it away.
Some of the notes give a good laugh. My favorite so far is link posted above. Nice bike. I’m thinking it was written by a little boy, ranging from probably 5 to 10 years old. I think the post would be more entertaining if we readers found out it were written by a boy in high school or older. The note has pretty good handwriting though so it could possibly be written by a girl. I wish there was some way in finding out who it was really written by. The only way to really do that is take it to an FBI agent or something. Too much work I would say.
It would be a good idea to go to this website right now. Not ten minutes from now, not in another day, not never, now. I would not wait any longer. I promise you will laugh for at least one of the posts, unless you never seem to laugh. You will at least crack a smile. That’s more reasonable. Enjoy!
What I would have said:
The lively raillery and obscurity of the crooked, hook-eyed smile suggests this note was written either as a joking attempt to flirt or playful inside joke.  The secrecy from the anonymous signature of the heart proposes the idea that the author preferred to remain unknown, or at least not directly mentioned.  The cryptic absence of a phone number tips the scale and suggests that the note was written without an avid pursuit or true intent behind the message’s content.     

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