Sunday, February 19, 2012

Short List 2-19-12

Supposedly, it should be exceptionally satisfying to make order of chaos; however, there’s something disconcerting and robotic about the organization of things that are meant for sporadic arrangement.  In my head, I almost hear sounds attached to each photo.  In the commotion of the park I imagine a bustling place with a thousand different conversations, screaming children, and blasting music.  When I see the order in everything from color, age, and gender, I feel that any sound would disturb the peace and a pin dropping would tip the scale into utter insanity.  The unusual order is disturbingly fascinating; it emphasizes the turmoil around us all the time that we take for granted simply because it’s normal.  


Sarah Illenberger’s geometrically beautiful and gravitationally defying collection of architectural artwork is intriguing.  The colors, shapes, and objects sharply contrast to such an extent that they create an obscure harmony.  The designs are clean and organized while still containing a sense of sporadic eyebrow-raising disorder.  The scale of the objects simply throws the room into an unusual proportion that throws the viewer like Alice into some ambiguous Wonderland.  

The pictures from A Restless Transplant contain a sort of freshly artistic feel.  It’s almost as if a representation of the cleanly wiped slate of the photographer can visibly been seen and felt through his photos.  The rustic and antique feel contrasts the vibrant colors and drastic shadows thrown and splattered across the frames.  The peaceful simplicity of them depicts the life of their photographer.  An acute pleasure plants a seed of curiosity an encourages me to travel beyond the safety of my town.  

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the secind one because it is very unique,interesting and captivating.
